Monday, June 11, 2007

"Our season is over"


Update: Blog owner Mark VanderVen, a member of Geoff Hill's search team, was asked this today in his comment section:
Mark, if you had to bet the farm on there being at least one living ivorybill still out there, how would you bet?

Yea or nay?
Mark's reply was:
...I'd bet nay, though it would be a wager I'd hope to lose!
Note this 1/11/07 excerpt from Mark's first post on "Feathered Ghosts":
On my first day I heard suggestive "double-knocks" deep in the forest, which may well have come from an Ivory-billed Woodpecker (henceforth known by its banding code "IBWO." I'm still on the fence as to whether the bird exists at all, though slowly coming around to believing that it does. I'm quite familiar with all of the other woodpeckers in these forests, and have never heard anything quite like this.


Anonymous said...

Well, careers come and careers go.

Anonymous said...

I marvel at how pretty the Red-headed Woodpecker is compared to the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker. Really no comparison.

Anonymous said...

I think Mr. Goatee did it in the den with the candlestick.

Anonymous said...

Hey doesn't Bobby Harrison have a goatee? And maybe he does think of himself as a thin man with sandy hair. And as we all know - in one of the most popular conservation board games of the early 20th century, Clueless, the winning answer was:

"Bobby did it in the swamp with a kayak".

The other correct winning answer was:

"Cornell did it in the media with your money"

The Fishcrow is now keeping the board game/conservation tradition alive by trying to set the record for the longest uninterrupted game of Trivial Pursuit.

Anonymous said...

Fishcrow hints at his 'new method' of searching

SO he is apparently climbing trees and sitting in the canopy, watching and waiting......Didn't he hurt himself pretty much every search season? This seems to be a disaster waiting to happen.

Anonymous said...

This seems to be a disaster waiting to happen.

Wouldn't it be something if Fishcrow becomes the first person in history to be killed by the Ivory-billed Woodpecker?

Anonymous said...

The "IBWO Atheist" posting on the Feathered Ghosts Blog is an imposter. As "bad southern birder" knows I'm not from the South and would never say "dagnabbit", "cotton-pickin'", or "pesky varmint"

Mark VanderVen said...

The "IBWO Atheist" posting on the Feathered Ghosts Blog is an imposter.

Thank a mutual reader of mine and this blog for tipping me off about this. Those comments may have sat on my blog for awhile otherwise. I've gone ahead and removed them. You could have told me yourself for speedier service, btb!