Wednesday, June 27, 2007

"Group to look for evidence of 'Bigfoot'"


An excerpt:
In all but three of 30 expeditions in the United States and Canada, BFRO investigators have either glimpsed Bigfoot or gotten close enough to hear the creature, Moneymaker said.


John L. Trapp said...

Amazingly, they managed to get a quote from a Bigfoot "authority" who has been dead for 5 years.

Anonymous said...

Matthew Moneymaker of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization

This is just TOO ironic. A guy named Moneymaker scamming people for "research" money.

Maybe we should do away with the suffix "crow" and just start calling anybody that has panhandled for IBWO funding "Moneymaker", like Bobby Moneymaker, John Fitzmoneymaker, Geoff Hillmoneymaker, etc. (I think Fishcrow would get to keep his name as he doesn't seem to have put out a begging bowl like the others.)

Anonymous said...

I think the devilishly named, Mr. Goatee, has something to do with these shenanigans. We just have to get to the bottom of it.

Anonymous said...

Could Mr. Goatee be the lovechild of Fishcrow and a Bigfoot? Think about it....