Friday, January 25, 2008

Andrew Dessler vs Marc Morano

At the 17:06 mark of the 12/17/07 audio available here, alarmist Andrew Dessler says this about the cause of recent global warming:
But the fundamental conclusion that we're quite certain it's greenhouse gases--no one really disagrees with that, again--I mean there's no real informed, credible dissent to that point.
Shortly afterwards, Marc Morano published this post, entitled "U.S. Senate Report: Over 400 Prominent Scientists Disputed Man-Made Global Warming Claims in 2007".

Yesterday, on Andy Revkin's blog, Dessler wrote this:
There are, of course, a few dozen credible scientist skeptics out there, but they pale in comparison to the 50,000+ members of the AGU.
Excerpt from Morano's response:
1) Andrew Dessler is still trying to defend his statement that there are only “a few dozen credible scientist skeptics out there.” Good luck with that one Andrew! Why don’t you list the two dozen ‘qualified’ skeptical scientists right here on Revkin’s blog? That way we will all know which skeptical scientists you have approved as ‘qualified?’ It would be very helpful to us all.
I haven't yet seen a response from Dessler.

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