Friday, January 25, 2008

Laughable alarmism from doctors and other "international experts in climate change"


Check out what Dr Hugh Montgomery has to say:
"There is no doubt that Climate Change is happening. And there is no doubt that humans are causing it: every major national scientific body round the world - including Germany, India, China, the UK, and the USA - agrees. Nor is there any doubt about the consequences. They will be very grave indeed. There is no greater threat to human health and survival than climate change. For those of us working as doctors, its imminent and severe threat dwarfs any survival gains due to our daily healthcare activity. Such threats are not just of altered disease patterns for those in distant lands, but are to us and our children: economic collapse, migration and war know no boundaries.
Neither does the impact of ecosystem collapse: we are already losing 3 known species an hour, and face the fact that over 50% of the world's species committed to extinction within a few decades.
The time for talk is over. The time now is for action - from politicians, but also from individuals. And healthcare workers should be in the vanguard."

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