Wednesday, February 20, 2008

It's likely belief in manmade global warming will do more harm than good

From this article:
It's probably too much to expect common sense to return in an election year"»or any year very soon. In California, a state senator (Joe Simitian, D-Palo Alto) has introduced a bill to require global warming be taught in the state's public schools--or perhaps in those not already receiving heavy informal doses of politically acceptable scientific opinion. Better would be to teach students about the nature of scientific inquiry. The National Science Teachers Association has education standards defining such inquiry that include one that man made global warming proponents have forgotten: that students understand "the importance of being skeptical when they assess their own work and the work of others."

This lesson needs learning because combining junk science with politically correct intolerance leads to many poor decisions that can affect our economy disastrously and limit the scope of our personal freedom deplorably. Operating from false conceptions is worse than operating from ignorance because of the arrogant confidence false beliefs instill.

Will belief in man made global warming do more harm than good? Likely.

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