Thursday, April 03, 2008

Maybe the "globe" isn't quite as "warm" as Richard Branson's kid thought it was

There are now some updates on Will Steger's "globalwarming101" site.

Although the whole objective of the trip is to convince us that humans are warming the globe, they don't seem to offer up much convincing evidence as of Day 4.

1. It appears that Sam Branson may have gotten mild frostbite on his nose on the first full day out.

2. Their "daily" entries started out giving detailed position, wind and temperature information, but now the temperature information is omitted. I wonder why?

3. Although we were promised daily updates, they seem to already have skipped a couple of days (and for some reason, the audio entry for Day 2 is in Norwegian only). I wonder why?

4. The video currently up on the site shows the team using a fossil fuel-powered snowmobile before their expedition. It also shows a fossil fuel-powered forklift evidently helping to load their gear onto a fossil fuel-powered plane (not everything fit into one plane).

More on the expedition is here.

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