Sunday, June 08, 2008

This poor progressive has to deal with a "wingnut" mother who doesn't even believe that carbon dioxide drives the climate!


Sinfonian said...

C'mon, pal -- even Republican "hero" John McCain recognizes that climate change is real and threatens the stability of the planet. All of your Gore-bashing and wishing it away won't change the facts.

Sinfonian said...

Ah, comment moderation -- the last refuge of a wingnut.

I should have expected nothing less. Never mind. But thanks for the link.

papertiger said...

sinfonian Come on back and check the archives from time to time. This guys blog will open your eyes. Climate change isn't just about bashing Al Gore, and John McCain gets his fair share too, when he says something stupid about global warming (which just happens to be whenever he opens his mouth about it.) Tom is the EEOC of climate alarmist bashing. You could do worse.

At the very least it will improve your game, so that you don't get trounced whenever a MMGW denier rears his head in your domain.