Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Fewer apples greet this year's picking season
While Michigan ranks third in apple production and is the state's most valuable fruit crop, the crop is projected to be down about 35%, according to Dennis Yockey of the Michigan Apple Committee.

"The National Agriculture Statistics Services released the number for Michigan as 12.85 millions bushels," says Yockey. "Our five-year average is about 19.5 million."

Late snow in April that hung around when the apples were blossoming caused the crop damage, says Yockey.
Investor's Business Daily -- There Goes The Sun
Environment: Al Gore's been busy in recent years scaring everyone about what he's sure is disastrous global warming. More ruinous, though, would be a deep cooling, which is the direction our planet might really be heading.
A warming Earth would also mean a healthier human race. Heat kills, but it's not as deadly as cold. A 1990s study found that cold-related deaths kill 80,000 year in the United Kingdom — 100 times the number of those who die heat-related deaths.

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