Monday, October 27, 2008

Economist/"leading climate change expert" Nicholas Stern continues his fossil-fueled efforts to sell the CO2 con

Risks of global warming greater than financial crisis-Stern
HONG KONG, Oct 27 (Reuters) - The risks of inaction over climate change far outweigh the turmoil of the global financial crisis, a leading climate change expert said on Monday, while calling for new fiscal spending tailored to low carbon growth.

"The risk consequences of ignoring climate change will be very much bigger than the consequences of ignoring risks in the financial system," said Nicholas Stern, a former British Treasury economist, who released a seminal report in 2006 that said inaction on emissions blamed for global warming could cause economic pain equal to the Great Depression.

"That's a very important lesson, tackle risk early," Stern told a climate and carbon conference in Hong Kong.
Fresh from a trip to China, Stern said China's next national economic blueprint or five-year plan would acknowledge its key role to stave off a big rise in global temperatures, the melting of ice-caps and destructive rises in sea levels the world over.

"I think we'll see the 12th five-year plan focus on low carbon growth," he said.

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