Monday, October 27, 2008

Power Vote Climate Change Rally, Madison, WI -- ISTHMUS | The Daily Page | The Guide
Visuals/Speakers: Jessy Tolkan, Executive Director of the Energy Action Coalition and UW-Madison alum will be speaking at noon. Other individuals, including student Power Vote leaders, and a 1Sky organizer, John Stewart, will speak through the afternoon. The event will also feature "radical climate cheerleaders," a large windmill visual, banners, and green hardhats to show support for green jobs.
Economic woes push green initiatives off the agenda
Almost three-quarters of respondents to a poll carried out at believe that the tough economic climate has mean there is less corporate focus on sustainability.

The results show a sea-change in opinion after two years in which green have dominated the corporate travel.

Commenting on the results, Business Travel World editor in chief, Betty Low, said: “’Green’ initiatives seem to be disappearing from the corporate landscape as quickly as they arrived. Only last year companies were at pains to publicise their environmental policies which could include anything from using environmentally friendly taxi companies to sustainable sourcing. Since the onset of the credit crunch, however, many of those same companies are becoming increasingly concerned about their own sustainability and consequently such policies seem to have moved down the agenda.”

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