Sunday, October 26, 2008

October Snow in London « The Unbearable Nakedness of CLIMATE CHANGE
Letter: Problem with global warming politics
The popular claim that the global warming “debate is over” is an absurd fabrication; there are thousands of scientist that do not buy into the idea that climate change is our fault and that we can somehow control it simply by playing around with carbon dioxide emissions. I have yet to see a balanced debate on global warming; those that challenge the theory get shouted down or get called “deniers”.
I wonder if any polar bears survived this decision
Yesterday, I was standing in the caf, at the self serve bar. There was a girl standing next to me eyeing up the pastries. She grabbed one and then proceeded to look for a plate. Directly in front of her were a stack of paper plates. She eyed them up for a moment, but you could literally see the years of environmental-recycling-global-warming-etc. education going through her head. She hesitated. She looked around for a glass plate. There were none within 10 feet of her. However, about 11 ft away there was the home style counter, where she could have asked for a plate, and across the caf there was the salad bar where she could have grabbed her own. Or she could have just held the pastry in her hand.

What does she do?

She grabs the paper plate. Such is the laziness of man kind.

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