Friday, November 28, 2008

Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr. Research Group News » Real Climate Misunderstanding Of Climate Models
Real Climate is “surprised” that there are “maybe a half dozen” tunable parameters. They should have not been surprised but have looked in more depth to ascertain if their conclusion was correct (which they are not). Climate Science would be glad to post a guest weblog from Real Climate if they disagree with the Climate Science conclusions.
Alarmists Barry Brook and Jim Hansen on nuclear power
[Brook:] Hansen is willing to talk about nuclear energy. I am too - given chronic intermittency issues with large-scale renewables and the need for plenty of extra energy to fix huge looming problems with hanging together a sophisticated civilisation on a habitable planet, it’s got to be in the mix. Indeed, in the long run, it, in the form of fusion power, could well be the only form of energy that matters to humanity (if we manage to get through the post-industrial crunch, that is). There are plenty of tantilising prospects for safe, effective, long-term baseload power from 4th+ generation nuclear fission power. But for now, there is just nowhere near enough action ($ and willpower) on the R&D and roll out front.
[Hansen:] Wait a minute! If it’s that good, why aren’t we doing it? Well, according to Blees, it’s because, in 1994, just when we were ready to build a demonstration plant, the Clinton Administration cancelled the IFR program. Blees offers a partial explanation, noting that Clinton had used the phrase “You’re pro-nuclear!” to demonize rivals during his campaign, suggesting that Clinton had a debt to the anti-nuclear people. Hmm. The matter warrants further investigation and discussion. It’s not as if we didn’t know about global warming in 1994.

Even more curious is the assertion that Argonne scientists, distraught about the cancellation, were told they could not talk about it (why do I find this easy to believe?). Here too there is no explanation in depth, although Blees notes that the Secretary of Energy, Hazel O.Leary, was previously a lobbyist for fossil fuel companies (my gosh, is everybody in Washington an ex-lobbyist – alligators will go extinct!).

I have always been agnostic on nuclear power...

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