Friday, November 28, 2008

Geneva area still not overheating

This was a cold, cold week week- in fact so cold the doors on the new M2 Metro subway trains froze
for a while mid-week. Temperatures will remain around 0C at night and
not rise above 4-5C during the day in most of the region, for the next
five days, predicts MeteoSwiss.

Gloves and caps if you’re heading outside, please.

Hot Air Tour: Exposing the Ballooning costs of Global Warming Hysteria
Climate alarmists have bombarded citizens with apocalyptic scenarios and pressured them into environmental political correctness. It’s time to tell the other side of the story.

Americans for Prosperity is working hard to bring you the missing half of the global warming debate. What will the impacts of reactionary legislation be for you, your family and our economy?

Join us at an event near you to learn more about climate alarmism and the looming Big Government "solutions."
Western Governors: 'Obama, Act Quickly on Energy' | The Seferm Post
At first glance, the Utah Mining Association said, it is supportive of WGA's efforts to focus on a national energy plan that reduces greenhouse gases.

"But as you know, the devil is in the details in how you get there," said association president David Litvin. "In this country right now we have a big push for renewables and many people think we can just move off our traditional sources of energy supply, but over 50 percent of our electricity comes from coal. Renewables only count for 2 percent of electricity produced. You can't move from 2 percent to 50 percent overnight."
Still, even here, Huntsman's ideas on global warming, the environment and establishing a regional cap-and-trade system are met with plenty of resistance from within his own party.

His former chief of staff, Jason Chaffetz, rallied delegates to their feet this spring at the state GOP convention on his way toward winning a congressional seat by saying: "Jon Huntsman, as much as I like you, you're wrong on global warming. It's a farce."

The state's Republican-controlled Legislature passed a bill prohibiting the governor from entering into agreements with other states after he had Utah join the Western Climate Initiative, which would establish a regional market to trade carbon emissions and is designed to keep costs down for those affected.

Huntsman vetoed the bill, but the reason lawmakers didn't override it is because Huntsman pledged to consult them about similar pacts in the future before committing the state to anything.

Many lawmakers don't believe global warming is caused by people, and they're unwilling to establish a cap-and-trade system because they fear it will hurt businesses and drive up costs for consumers.

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