Sunday, November 02, 2008

Flying on hot air | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Al Gore has his imitators:
Contiki is the biggest youth travel company in Australia and it takes the pulse of the market with an annual survey.... (It’s} The Shades Of Green report, which records the answers of 515 people between 18 and 34, makes for interesting reading. Not least is the figure showing that a surprisingly low percentage of young travellers, 9 per cent, put their money where their mouth is to offset their travel, even though 54 per cent say they believe in carbon-neutral travel.
Call them the avocado greens - green on the outside, but a kernel of brown. And call them a warning to the Government not to trust the surveys that claim people are happy to pay to “save” the planet. This is a faith of gestures - people pretending to do something about something they pretend is urgent.

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