Saturday, November 15, 2008

The New UI institute aims to combat global warming
On a stop-over in London several years ago, lawyer and University of Illinois graduate Joel Friedman started reading a book about global warming.

"By the time I got done reading the book I was in a panic," he said.

The more he read, the more concerned he became, and the more he wanted to do something.

"Who's going to find solutions?" Friedman had asked. Industry? Think-tanks?

The answer may be the UI, with scholars from the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences; the College of Business; and the College of Law, Friedman said. The university, he said, is a place with "a great pool of knowledge" and unbiased researchers.

The new Environmental Change Institute,, will explore ways to mitigate global warming and how the world can adapt to it.

The Alvin H. Baum Family Fund, of which Friedman is president, has pledged $300,000 a year for three years for the institute. And the three colleges also have pledged a total of $120,000 for each of those three years.

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