Sunday, December 28, 2008

But why is this particular drought blamed on CO2, when previous droughts were blamed on displeased gods?

How the climate change changed Maasai culture
Climate change, now largely agreed to have been caused by man`s reckless abuse of nature, has produced a warming of the world`s oceans and erratic rainfall across the globe, which has negatively impacted farming and livestock rearing across eastern Africa.

A NASA report released in August showed that rainfall has declined in eastern Africa by 15 percent since the 1980s, and a researcher involved in the study said it is likely that rainfall will continue to go down 15 percent every 20 to 25 years.

``We used to get heavy rainfall up to the 1990s, but suddenly the situation changed…In Monduli we had three different rainy seasons but today it is only one unpredictable season,`` Sendeka said.

``The elders led by our Laibon (a traditional healer) tried to heal our land by slaughtering animals to please the gods of our ancestors, but the situation has been worsening every year.``

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