Sunday, December 28, 2008

Man died of exposure to cold in Edgewater neighborhood, authorities say --
A man whose body was found frozen in a North Side park this week was ruled Saturday to have died of cold exposure, the 10th such death in Cook County since November.
If the Earth is billions of years old, why would this alarmist think that the Arctic has been changing for only "40-50 years"?
"For quite a while, it was an education just being up there -- to swallow that whole thing, that huge place that's the Arctic," said Kazlowski, who lives in Seattle. "It's been changing 40-50 years, and it's not completely visual, but people up there have been witnessing them -- and small changes are adding up to big changes."
But perhaps they will simply adapt.

A new study by researcher Robert Rockwell of the American Museum of Natural History in the journal Polar Biology points out that polar bears survived a period of significant global warming 125,000 years ago when the sea level was 12 to 18 feet higher.

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