Wednesday, December 31, 2008

How do you like warming so far? - Right Mind
But if you believe that something as quaint as scientific principles apply to global warming, then you are wrong. This is politicized science. Early last year, Mark Albright, Washington's assistant state meteorologist, was dismissed after he dared to contradict Seattle mayor Greg Nickles' claim that Cascade Mountain snowpack had declined by 50 percent, with the decrease attributable to global warming. The truth is that the Cascade snowpack has in fact increased. But, when Albright dared to speak that truth to power, he was canned.
UK: New Year's Eve 2009 is forecast to be the coldest since the mid-1990s - Times Online
Millions of people are expected to brave sub-zero temperatures tonight to welcome in 2009, in what is forecast to be the coldest New Year’s Eve since the mid-1990s.
Global warming affecting migratory birds, says Indian ornithologist
Due to global warming, when the birds arrive, the trees have already borne fruit and there is a shortage of food for the birds then. As result of lack of food, the birds become undernourished which in turn affect their reproductive ability. It has been noted that the birds which were earlier laying three to four eggs were now laying only one to two eggs, as result of which their population is declining, said Pandey.

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