Wednesday, December 31, 2008

"Seattle PI's Joel Connelly isn't quite ready to put down the Kool-aid"
University of Washington climate experts have repeatedly warned us that ferocious late fall and early winter storms are global warming's footprint for the Northwest.

They've been proved right at least four times in this decade. City government should preach less and prepare more.
2009 predictions
Global warming will lose popularity and credibility rapidly.

Some how that doesn’t effect the fact that “green jobs” becomes the new hip trendy thing to worry about.
As the global warming scam fizzles, Stern claims to be optimistic
Economist Lord Stern has said he is optimistic that a global deal to reduce carbon dioxide emissions will be struck under the US presidency of Barak Obama.

Lord Stern, who was behind the first detailed economic assessment of the impact of climate change, said US and Chinese agreement to a cut was crucial.

President George W Bush’s climate views were “prehistoric” and had been seen as an obstacle, Lord Stern told the BBC.
Lord Stern said that, as well as hoping for action from the new US leadership, he was also encouraged by the the much deeper global understanding of climate change and its impact.

Many countries had made a clear commitment to reducing greenhouse gases, he said, which showed things were moving in the right direction.

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