Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Letter to the Editor: Alarmist asks The Oregonian to not print snarky letters from AGW skeptics who "think they are being very clever"
I know it must be highly amusing for you, but will the day ever come that you don't print letters from global warming deniers that equate our local weather condition with the larger phenomena of climate change? I'm sure they think they are being very clever but it's getting kind of stale.

Southeast Portland
The truth hurts, doesn't it Cheryl?
The Black Sphere: Nobel Prize – A Sad Joke
I remember when the Nobel Prize meant something. I can't recall the names of all the winners in all the categories, but when I heard the name Nobel mentioned, I paid attention.

That all stopped for me in 2007, when the Nobel Prize committee awarded Al Gore this prestigious award for the farce of man-made global warming. And I recently learned something that added even more to my disdain for the Nobel Prize.
Daily Herald | Bad science fuels global warming fears
Al Gore's film - the "holy gospel" among global warming alarmists - was deemed "propaganda" in a court of law in the U.K. as many points could not be substantiated by scientists. For example, it was revealed that some of the "documentary" footage was created by a graphic artist - the ice shelf collapse was from the movie "The Day After Tomorrow." According to author Christopher Horner, Gore's biggest fallacy is based on "the cause and effect relationship of CO2 and temperatures. The scientific literature is fairly clear and fairly uniform. Temperatures go up, and then CO2 concentrations go up. CO2 does not drive temperature."

Anthropogenic Global Warming is an unproven theory, and 31,000 scientists have signed a petition against it. More than 600 scientists on the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - frequently cited as the definitive experts by the alarmists - recently came out against earlier conclusions that man is causing global warming. Global warming is a political issue today, driven by some of the worst "science" since the conclusion that lobotomies would cure mental illness.

Roger Willis


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