Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Sydney promises 'green' fireworks on New Year's Eve | The Australian
Despite more than 5,000kg of explosive devices being fired off during the $5 million fireworks spectacular on the harbour, revellers won't be contributing to climate change.

The city's celebration for the first time will be carbon neutral, with The City of Sydney Council ordering a carbon audit into its all New Year's Eve activities.

It will measure emissions from fuels and fireworks used during the event, electricity consumption and waste created in the lead-up to and during the big party.

Lord Mayor Clover Moore said the council would then offset the emissions by purchasing environmentally-friendly power and carbon credits.
The 5,000kg of fireworks will be 2,000kg more than used last year - with about 11,000 shells, 10,000 shooting comets and 100,000 individual pyrotechnic effects.
Climate commission an expensive scheme | Arkansas News
Arkansas is at risk of falling prey to cookie-cutter environmental policy recommendations pushed by an out-of-state “advisory” group, which besides being funded by global warming alarmists, wants the state to raise taxes and utility rates and to spend billions of taxpayers’ dollars all in the name of curbing Arkansas’ carbon dioxide emissions.
New Jersey: Climate realism
The global-warming models that were used to propagate this fraud have been consistently refuted by the most recent peer-reviewed research. More and more data are showing the central role of the sun in any aspect of this discussion; more and more models are attempting to deal with water vapor and its impact (which the IPCC models essentially ignore). And finally, the most recent research on CO2 notes what a tiny part of the atmosphere it is, and what a tiny portion of that tiny portion is affected by man and his activities.

The data are destroying arguments by the global-warming alarmists. Add to this the decade- long cooling of temperatures around the planet and the small increases in levels of CO2 and I wonder why people such as Al Gore and his followers are not laughed off of the stage. Those who do science must drive out those who wish to practice "political" science.

-- JIM GRIFFIN, Plainsboro

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