Thursday, December 11, 2008

Physicist Richard A. Muller Endorses Lying for the Environment |
It must be nice to be so certain of one’s moral purity and political correctness to believe that anything, including, well, lying, is fine and appropriate to advance the cause.
At least Muller admits that James Hansen no longer is a real scientist, but rather is doing politics. That doesn’t seem to bother Muller. And his assessment of Gore–well, what’s a little “exaggeration and distortion” among friends? If the facts about catastrophic warming are so compelling, then why aren’t the facts enough? Presumably because, well, the facts aren’t nearly as compelling as the alarmist lobby wishes to believe.
If one is pushing a good cause, and who in Washington doesn’t believe they are doing so?, then who is not entitled to exaggerate, distort, and even lie?
Surprise: Medieval Warm Period DID Exist « Global Warming: A Worn-Out Hoax
And speaking of global warming, now would be a GREAT time for you to give up coal-fired power plants, nuclear energy, burning natural gas, and of course good ol’ gasoline and oil. Chairman Obama says it’s now urgent, and there can be no more debate. It’s not voluntary. You won’t be cold for long. A reordering of human economies and societies is necessary.
Why is McCaskill off the res? | Gristmill: The environmental news blog | Grist
Now, substantively this is just daft, which I'll address in a moment. But more interestingly, why on earth is a key Obama ally saying this in public, at this particular moment?

McCaskill goes to great lengths to aver that it is only her opinion: "Let me speak for me here because I think this is very dangerous. I would like to keep my relationship with Barack at this point. Let me speak for me." And it's not like her opposition to cap-and-trade is new; she was one of the Senators to sign a letter to Boxer and Reid last year saying she wouldn't have voted for Lieberman-Warner.

If her opposition is already known, why say it at all? Perhaps I'm paranoid, but it strikes me as somewhat implausible that she's completely freelancing. I certainly hope this isn't a trial balloon from Obama. If so, a nice public rebuke of McCaskill from enviro groups might be in order.

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