Thursday, December 04, 2008

Will UN conference in Poznan save the climate?
Blocking greenhouse gas emissions with the Kyoto protocol is like patching millions of holes in a hose.
Was this caused by human CO2 emissions?: Cave's Climate Clues Show Ancient Empires Declined During Dry Spell
Based on chemical signatures in a piece of calcite from a cave near Jerusalem, a team of American and Israeli geologists pieced together a detailed record of the area's climate from roughly 200 B.C. to 1100 A.D. Their analysis, to be reported in an upcoming issue of the journal Quaternary Research, reveals increasingly dry weather from 100 A.D. to 700 A.D. that coincided with the fall of both Roman and Byzantine rule in the region.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is both fascinating and thought-provoking. The awesome forces of nature brought about cataclysmic global changes even before we puny humans put our hands to it! One can only imagine how an ancient EPA agent would've regulated those nasty, smoke-belching cooking fires! But truly, I find this new insight into historical events wonderfully eye-opening.