Sunday, January 11, 2009

How to sell a political scam to your precious children

Talking to Your Kids About Global Warming | The Green Parent
Have you had “the talk” with your kids yet?

No, not that talk (whew!)

The other talk…about global warming.
National Wildlife Federation: Incorrect answers to kids' questions about global warming

1 comment:

papertiger said...

I don't have any kids, but by God I'll make some just to sue the ass off of these fraudsters.
Why are the parents of America's youth such a cowering bunch of servile dimwits. I see them driving their kids to school, and picking them up after work. Such care, expense, and attention, to keep their progeny safe, but then they leave them in the hands of doctrinaries, who teach the kids that they are a pestilence on the face of the planet.
Why is there no class action lawsuit emptying the coffers of scumbag NGO's like the NWF?