Sunday, January 11, 2009

Global Warming Update: 'Earth on the Brink of an Ice Age' |
Without question, if Pravda and the hundreds of climate realists predicting a cooling are right, America needs to prepare for it. Given the current state of our economy, proactive solutions should be looked at as sound investments in our nation's future with the ancillary benefit of much-needed job creation.

Or is this too logical for global warming-obsessed politicians and media?
NC Media Watch: The Promise of a 'Green Jobs Future'
In sum, for the near-term our economic development objectives should remain in the practical realm that expands the kind of work in which we have a demonstrated capability. Any transition of Nevada County from where we are to olympian futures, such as becoming a hotbed of new green R&D companies, will have to evolve through a crawl-walk-run process that, if successful, will do nothing to aid us in the current recession, and will definitely misappropriate our meager resources from helping us now.

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