Beleaguered Citigroup is upgrading its mile-high club with a brand-new $50 million corporate jet - only this time, it's the taxpayers who are getting screwed.Video: At the Green Inaugural Ball, Live Earth Founder Kevin Wall says: "A green economy is really about change in every part of someone's life"
Even though the bank's stock is as cheap as a gallon of gas and it's burning through a $45 billion taxpayer-funded rescue, the airhead execs pushed through the purchase of a new Dassault Falcon 7X, according to a source familiar with the deal.
That's what so many people are afraid of Kevin. If that "someone" voluntarily wants to change every part of of their life because it is their belief it's in the best interests of the environment - fine. If President Obama mandates changes to every part of our lives, whether or not we buy into Al Gore's lies, then we're just kissing our individual liberties away for a non-problem.Clinton Names Climate Envoy - Green Inc. Blog - NYTimes.com
Citing the “complex, urgent and global threat of climate change,” Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton today appointed a special envoy for climate change, who will lead the United States in international climate negotiations.Climate Progress » Blog Archive » Obama EPA blocks South Dakota Coal Power Plant
Todd Stern, a climate negotiator during Bill Clinton’s presidency and more recently a fellow at the Center for American Progress, will assume the role.
“We have no shortage of evidence that our world is facing a climate crisis,” said Ms. Clinton, who went on to attribute a large part of the problem to the burning of fossil fuels.
Obama’s top climate priority — higher even than passing a domestic cap-and-trade bill — is to stop new coal plants...
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