Friday, January 16, 2009

Waxman’s Global Warming Plan That Will Save Our Economy » The Foundry
So the plan is to enact legislation that would be even more stringent than the failed Lieberman-Warner bill, a bill that would have severely crippled our economy?

Am I missing something?
Kevin Grandia | Canwest News Service cuts full-time Environment beat reporter position
UPDATE: word on the street is that Canwest reporter Juliet O’Neill will now be covering off environment reporting for the CanWest chain, while at the same time covering the goings-on of the two main national political parties, the Liberals and the NDP, as well Heritage Canada and issues affecting Alberta.

I am hearing rumors today that the largest news outlet in Canada, Canwest News Service has cut out its full time environment beat reporter position. This, despite opinion polls finding that environmental issues remain the second biggest concern for the Canadian public.
Don't miss this: Marc Morano: My note to Andrew Revkin of New York Times
My personal experience with “Lou Dobbs Tonight” indicates that he is being persuaded that the so-called
“consensus” is essentially manufactured and he is growing increasingly leery of the partisans at Real
Climate and Climate Progress.

Dobbs apparently used to believe in man-made climate fears. In 2006, shortly after Gore’s film came out, Dobbs was touting and exclusively featuring climate fear promoters like Gavin Schmidt of Real Climate, Alan Robock and Michael Mann on his program and declared the debate “over.” [See: Flashback: July 12, 2006: Lou Dobbs Declares global warming "discussion is over..." Get on with solutions! Excerpt:
Dobbs: “Let's on this broadcast tonight, “LOU DOBBS TONIGHT”, this broadcast decides global
warming is caused by emissions. That discussion is over here. Let's talk about what we should do
next.” ]

Back in July 2006, I even contacted Dobbs program to complain that there was no balance on the program
How come you did not say Dobbs was catering to his viewers back when he exclusively promoted manmade climate fears? Perhaps you did, but I missed it. [Full letter here (PDF)]

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