Friday, January 16, 2009

Who will tell the Minister? « An Honest Climate Debate
Now he has a serious problem. For the past four years several of us have repeatedly warned that there are very serious scientific errors in this whole climate change issue. All of a sudden, around the world scientists in other disciplines have started demonstrating the fundamental errors in current climate change theory. The basic assumption that greenhouse gas emissions cause global temperatures to rise is seriously questioned. My colleagues and I have demonstrated the dominant role of variations in solar activity on multi-year climatic variations. The Internet is full of critical comments of climate change theory and those who propagate it.
Australian Climate Madness: Engineers vote themselves $6 billion
Vested Interest Alert: The Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering has, unsurprisingly, announced that Australia requires a "technology revolution" in order to "tackle climate change" and that the bill for such revolution will be a cool $6 billion. - Toronto's News: Cold Weather Plays Havoc With Water Mains And Parking Meters
But of all the effects of the bone chilling Arctic air, the biggest flood of problems by far are coming from the city's aging water mains. Nearly 20 of the pipes, some of those nearly 50 or 60 years old, have split in the extreme weather - and that was in just one day.
But it wasn't just below ground where things were freezing up. Toronto parking meters - with their solar-powered batteries - were also struggling to operate as intended.

More than 70 have broken down in the last two days and with 2,900 in the city expect to see a few red lights blinking on the units to signal they're out of service.

"There's less solar in the winter and the colder temperatures do take their toll," admitted Toronto Parking Authority Gwyn Thomas.

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