Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Arctic Sea Ice Increases at Record Rate « The Air Vent
Looking at this plot of the slope of actual nasa gridded data, the maximum ice melt rate occurs in 1999 and in 2003 not in 2007. Oddly the maximum ice growth rates occur in 2007 and 2008, I don’t remember those headlines for some reason.

Certainly the 30 year arctic trend is upward, even the most committed global warming scientist has to admit this happens regularly. The questions are, did we cause it or not, and was CO2 the instigating factor. Certainly the rapid recovery of ice levels has to have some meaning regarding the severity of the problem. This goes directly in the face of accellerated global warming and the doom and gloom scenarios promoted by our politicians. And one more thing, since ice is recovering at the high rate shown above, our polar bear friends have little to worry about in their near future..
screedblog » You mean it’s not a sacrament?
What’s the line from Scrooge - better they should die, and decrease the surplus population? I’m surprised that’s not an applause line these days. If Scrooge had forbid Crachet from putting on more coal because it would contribute to global warming, he’d be the hero, and Crachet would have got the three spirits.
Japan promises 2020 carbon target IF US, China, and India also go along - Carbon Offsets Daily
The Japanese prime minister Taro Aso promised this weekend that the country would unveil a mid term carbon emissions reduction target by this June.
He also reiterated Japan’s position that its targets will only be of use if other large polluters agree to similar targets as a result of the UN’s on-going climate change negotiations. “We can’t have plans which are not agreed by the United States, China or India,” he warned.

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