Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Brainwash children to believe in Gore's scam, then allow these children to influence government policy on the issue?
Last year, KC Golden of Climate Solutions cited the fact that children were "insisting on solutions in a clear voice" as a reason to take action on climate change. Now, Miguel Perez-Gibson cherry picks one piece of data as a reason to demand action. Either the folks at Climate Solutions don't know any better or they feel they can simply get away with these fundamentally flippant comments because thoughtful arguments simply aren't being demanded.
Bravo, California GOP
What’s worse, they are also asking Democrats to throw AB 32 under the bus in order to make this possible. AB 32, The Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 is a milestone in United States environmental policy that shows California is at least somewhat concerned with it’s impact on the planet.
AdelaideNow... Cathedral Rocks Wind Farm turbine fire
A $6 MILLION wind turbine has caught fire near Port Lincoln, starting blazes on the ground as embers fall.
A Closer Look At Oceanic Oscillation Cycles « Digital Diatribes
In the past, I’ve presented some charts on the different Oceanic Oscillations for PDO, AMO, and ENSO. I’ve started to take a look at these again with an eye towards running a correlation analysis. The initial work I’ve done today is something I considered somewhat interesting, so I thought I’d share it.

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