Tuesday, February 03, 2009

John Holdren in Retrospect (Part VIII on Obama’s New Science Advisor) — MasterResource
As this series has documented, John Holdren (as Paul Ehrlich) has done much to discredit himself by both his failed forecasts and his angry response to his critics. But the past is over–what about the future? Will Dr. Holdren embrace a challenge culture and make midcourse corrections? Will he temper his temper toward those of us who really care about better, longer living for a growing population, as well as political and economic freedom? One can only hope for the best–but plan for the worst.
Cincinatti Urges Residents to Eat Less Meat : EcoLocalizer
The city of Cincinatti joined the choir growing louder by the day, urging residents to consider eating less meat in an effort to combat climate change. As part of the Green Cincinatti Plan, the city’s Food Task Force met for the first time and discussed a campaign that would ask that residents replace some of the meat in their diet with fresh fruits and vegetables.
Hermann Josef Hack’s “Climate Refugee Camp” | Evil Monito
Like his predecessor Joseph Beuys, Hermann Josef Hack sees no distinction between politics and art. In his public installation “Climate Refugee Camp,” Hack set up 400 miniature refugee tents at Pariser Platz in Berlin to bring attention to the international consequences of global warming.
William K. Wolfrum Chronicles » Blog Archive » Watts Up With That? or: Why Internet Blogging Awards are meaningless
Yes, according to 2008 Weblog Awards voters, a global warming denier has the best science blog.

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