Thursday, February 12, 2009

Barack Obama has four years to save the world from climate change, warns Prof James McCarthy - Telegraph
Major policy changes are needed in the President's first term of office or the planet will be in "huge trouble" according to Prof McCarthy, leader of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

"We have a moment right now of extraordinary opportunity, with a new president, positioned with scientific leadership that has known no equal in recent times," the AAAS president told BBC News on the eve of his organisation's annual conference in Chicago.
Former US Vice President and climate change documentary-maker Al Gore is among the speakers at the event, with 10,000 scientists expected to attend across the five days of the meeting.
Wanted: Suckers - ScienceInsider
There's too much carbon dioxide in the air. Why not just remove it from the air manually?
They are [allegedly] the champions, my friend
SIX teenagers appointed as Wales’ Climate Change Champions are heading to the Brussels on a fact-finding mission in their quest to reduce Wales’ carbon footprint.

The green teens are off to Belgium on Monday to see initiatives that help reduce carbon emissions in the seat of the European Union.

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