Thursday, February 12, 2009

Not warm enough | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Reader R. is wondering why global warming didn’t clear the way for her Antarctic cruise...
Finally, a sunspot, but it is a Cycle 23 spot « Watts Up With That?
Just when you think cycle 23 may be over, it pops out another spot. Here is the SOHO MDI image showing a sunspot dubbed #1012, in solar cycle 23.
Classically Liberal: The dingbats are out tonight.
She quoted someone she called "Aunt Betty" offering this piece of wisdom: "The international financial crisis is inextricably linked to climate change..."

Is there nothing that can't be blamed on climate change?
Well, have they gone extinct every other time the Earth's climate changed?
ScienceDaily (Feb. 9, 2009) — University of Utah biologists discovered that young "right whales" learn from their mothers where to eat, raising concern about their ability to find new places to feed if Earth's changing climate disrupts their traditional dining areas.
Obama: Alaska natural gas pipeline has "great potential"
Palin critics who have said that the [fossil fuel] pipeline was just a pipe dream and would never be built are another step closer to having to eat their words.

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