Tuesday, February 03, 2009

BBC NEWS | Round-up of UK school closures
Thousands of schoolchildren are facing a second day off classes as the UK struggles to get back to normal after the worst snowfall in 18 years.
Lake Minnetonka Liberty: Debunking the myth, part 73: Europe
I've been telling you for years now that the fable of Global Warming is nothing but a lie, and money making scheme for some greedy junk scientists, and really greedy governments, and one particular entity which I won't name, but it's known as "the world body."

How in the world anyone can make up a lie based not on fact and science, but on unreliable theories, pass it off on the population as fact, and when it is proven false, and people speak out against it, those are the people deemed "deniers." I don't get that. Particularly when there is no science based on fact whatsoever by these junk scientists. It is up to those people to prove what they say, not up to us to disprove mere theories. It's like the Witch hunts of the 1600's! It completely defies logic. How the hell did we get to this place?
China lowers expectations of Copenhagen deal - 03 Feb 2009 - BusinessGreen
Hopes of a global agreement on climate change at Copenhagen next year received a blow yesterday as Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao lowered expectations that China would commit to a cap in carbon emissions.

Whilst emphasising the work that China is already doing to cut emissions, Jiabao said his country's relative economic immaturity made it harder to commit to internationally binding targets.
Should we drastically increase our dependence on foreign lithium? - NYTimes.com
UYUNI, Bolivia — In the rush to build the next generation of hybrid or electric cars, a sobering fact confronts both automakers and governments seeking to lower their reliance on foreign oil: almost half of the world’s lithium, the mineral needed to power the vehicles, is found here in Bolivia — a country that may not be willing to surrender it so easily.

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