Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Climate change MEP Karl-Heinz Florenz responds to people's comments 
...we can save the climate and be economically successful at the same time.
Dems pitch climate change legislation, GOP skeptical
HELENA — Saying they were done debating over climate change, legislative Democrats laid out a package of bills to address global warming Monday, but lawmakers skeptical about what role humans are playing in environmental changes observed by scientists represent a formidable voting block in the Montana House and Senate and could again prove insurmountable this session.
Calling lawmakers who don’t believe humans are causing global warming “unfortunately misinformed or ill informed,” Phillips said he and others are moving forward with the legislation despite the political reality that the debate over man’s role in climate change is far from over in the Montana Capitol.

“To debate whether it is real is seeming to be a real waste of time,” Phillips said. “To claim the science is unclear would suggest you read the science. If you read the science, there’s no way you can reach that conclusion.

The tenor of the debate over global warming has become so intense and the advocates of each viewpoint so entrenched that many who discuss energy policy avoid bringing the topic up at all, speaking rather to energy independence and diversity.

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