Friday, February 27, 2009

Biden, Luminaries Promote Green Jobs - Green Inc. Blog -
At an event to promote green jobs for the middle class today in Philadelphia, Vice President Joe Biden hailed the arrival of many thousands of jobs in the new energy economy, which he described as “good, high-paying jobs, the vast majority of which are not exportable.”
But it was Van Jones, a green-jobs activist and one of the panelists, who brought down the house.

“There should be a moral principle where they say, ‘Let’s green the ghetto first,’” said Mr. Jones, to strong applause. He added that young people should be encouraged to “put down those handguns and pick up those caulking guns.”
Kan. House passes coal bill
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) - The House passes a bill allowing Sunflower Electric Power Corp. to build two coal-fired power plants in western Kansas.

The vote Friday was 79-44 - five votes short of the two-thirds needed to override a promised veto by Gov. Kathleen Sebelius.

House Speaker Mike O'Neal, a Hutchinson Republican, said he will have the 84 votes when it comes time to override.
Twitter / BBC's EthicalMan gets busted trying to hitch a ride in someone else's fossil-fueled vehicle
The officers said it was illegal to hitch on the highway in detroit. Took my details, told me off, sent me on my way.

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