Friday, February 27, 2009

A Cautionary Tale About Models Of Complex Systems | Climate Skeptic
As people start to deconstruct last year’s financial crisis, most of them are coming to the conclusion that the #1 bit of “irresponsibility” was the blind investment of trillions of dollars based on solely on the output of correlation-based computer models, and continuing to do so even after cracks appeared in the models.

The irony? Obama’s budget includes nearly $700 billion in new taxes (via a cap-and-trade system) based solely on … correlation-based computer climate models that predict rapidly rising temperatures from CO2. Climate models in which a number of cracks have appeared, but which are being ignored.
Twitter / RichardSossi
Going to a joint hearing on "Global warming crap" bill. Quick stop at Caroline Farm bureau dinnee and the Hospice QA dinner.
Christopher Monckton - Global Warming Is Not Happening
The “global warming apocalypse” scare has the potential greatly to enrich scientists, academics, industrialists, and politicians willing to take unscrupulous advantage of it. However, we should do some due diligence before we join in reaping the considerable but short-lived rewards available to those who parrot the scientifically-baseless orthodoxy.

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