Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Climate Researchers Tap 'Wisdom Of The Crowds' -- InformationWeek
Researchers at MIT's Center for Collective Intelligence (CCI) want to harness the power of social groups and computers to address some of the world's most pressing problems.

Thomas Malone, director of the CCI and professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management, said that applications like Wikipedia, Linux, and YouTube hint at the potential of collective intelligence. Malone said that similar developments could improve doctors' diagnoses and scientists' ability to address climate change.
Actually, the Internet has been critical in killing the global warming scam.

The Associated Press: Google Earth allows exploration of oceans, Mars
Google Earth 5.0 was unveiled at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, where former Vice President Al Gore, singer Jimmy Buffet and others spoke about its capacity to educate the public about global warming, ocean acidification and other threats to the planet.

"This is an extremely powerful educational tool," said Gore, who won a Nobel Peace Prize for his work raising awareness about climate change. "One of my fondest hopes is that people around the world will use Google Earth to see for themselves the reality of what's happening because of the climate crisis."
JOANNA NOVA: Carbon Credits: Another Corrupt Currency? The real hockey-stick graph
Carbon credits are a form of fiat currency, yet as calls for carbon trading grow, ironically, another fiat currency collapses—destroying life savings, wiping out jobs, and taking down historic institutions overnight. Fiat money has a long history of failure, corruption and fraud. The inevitable booms, busts and inflation act as an invisible tax, transferring wealth from people who work and save to speculators, middle men, and crooks. The US dollar—sovereign issue of a great capitalist, democratic nation—is on life support. So far at least eight hundred billion dollars has been created from thin air to stop the banking system from crashing.

Meanwhile, global warming alarmists are asking us to create another fiat currency, this time based on hot air...

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