Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Freak snow to cost UK businesses $1.7B - CNN.com
FSB spokesman Stephen Alambritis told CNN the cost of Monday's disruptions would likely reach £1.2 billion ($1.7 billion). With further snowfalls forecasted for Tuesday and Wednesday, that figure was likely to rise, he warned
Douglas McWilliams, Chief Executive of the Centre for Economics and Business Research warned that up to 3,000 businesses could go bankrupt as a result of short-term cashflow problems caused by the weather.
Man-Made Climate Change - Fact Or Fiction?
In the past dozen years or so a major controversy has developed through out the world about changes that are supposedly taking place with the earth's climate...
Twitter / warkmalsh
I told you if we got rid of Bush global warming would end!
A History of the Religion of Anthropogenic Global Warming
The number of people who see through this facade of anthropogenic global warming is growing all the time.

It’s easy for so-called “experts” to make flash-in-the-pan pronouncements of doom that get people stirred up, but when many people stop long enough to take a hard look at the religion of AGP, it quickly becomes apparent that it doesn’t even pass the smell test.

We can only hope the Obama Administration will face the music on this massive scam before the American economy and our prosperity are are gravely damaged.

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