Thursday, February 19, 2009

CO2-Capture Coal Plants: A Ban by Another Name — MasterResource
If seriously pursued, this agenda would lead to hyperinflation of electricity prices (because demand for renewable electricity, ramped up by mandates, would vastly exceed supply), turn out the lights (a transition that big and that fast would not be smooth), and crash the economy. It would also set a world record for government waste, because hundreds of coal and natural gas power plants would be de-commissioned long before the end of their useful lives.

The proposal is so cockamamie I would feel silly blogging about it were it not the brainchild of a former Vice President, Nobel Prize Winner, New York Times best-seller-list author, and Academy Award film star.
Obama still believes
Obama: "I think increasingly we have to take into account that the issue of climate change and greenhouse gases is something that's going to have an impact on all of us, and as two relatively wealthy countries, it's important for us to show leadership in this area. I think the clean energy dialogue is an extraordinary beginning, because right now there are no silver bullets to solve all of our energy problems.

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