Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Florida: Coming Freeze Likely To Be Worse Than Before; Farmers Worried
TAMPA - Another slug of arctic air is on the way that could send freezing temperatures stabbing as far south as the Everglades Wednesday night and bring even colder temperatures than last month's statewide freeze.

The newest freeze will hit before agriculture officials have fully tallied damage from last month.
Farmers are still recovering from the freeze that ravaged crops in South Florida on Jan. 22 and 23.

Temperatures fell to the 20s in the vegetable growing areas south of Lake Okeechobee, hammering green bean and squash crops.

Farther north, some potato farmers lost as much as half of their crops in Central Florida.
This freeze could be worse.
The weather service office in Miami says a hard freeze is possible in South Florida, meaning temperatures could drop to 28 degrees or below for at least four hours.
The freeze is potentially so severe it could threaten Bahia grass pastures in northern and Central Florida.

1 comment:

10ksnooker said...

Locally South Florida farmers are in panic mode. The last one was bad, this could finish them off if it's a hard freeze, as predicted.

The tourists have already gone missing, the Florida budget is bad, and the FL Gov is up at WDC with his hand out.

Locally, the illegals are becoming unemployed because of the dead crops.

How soon will it be before it dawns on people that cold means shortened growing seasons?