Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Climate Progress » Blog Archive » Breaking: Sen. Boxer makes clear U.S. won’t pass a climate bill this year
Sen. Barbara Boxer, chair of the Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee, released her “Principles for Global Warming Legislation” at a press conference today. But her remarks contained the real news — no chance of climate legislation be enacted into law this year.
World Environment News - China Plans Weigh On Record Low Kyoto Offset Price - Planet Ark
LONDON - A suspension of the Chinese government's price floor for Kyoto carbon offset sales, expected in March, could weigh on this already battered market, analysts IDEAcarbon said on Friday.

"To encourage investment, the Chinese government is expected to unofficially release its 8 euro price floor in early March and look the other way as deals are transacted in the 6-7 euro price range," IDEAcarbon's Tenke Zoltani told Reuters.
US Senate Panel To Review Draft Renewable Energy Bill-Sources
WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- Sen. Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., whose committee is responsible for writing energy legislation, will next week review a draft bill that could require that 20% to 25% of the nation's electricity comes from renewable energy sources, according to aides and people close to the matter.
6 Green Lessons We Can Learn From Communism : TreeHugger
Yes, even though communism led to corrupt governments responsible for the suffering of millions, communists and communist thinking have nonetheless produced some worthy green ideas. And hey, some world leaders even think environmentalism is the biggest threat since communism. Maybe they're closer in spirit than we thought?

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