Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Gavin's Mystery Man « Climate Audit
By the afternoon of Feb 2, not only had the data been changed, but Gavin Schmidt somehow knew something about the circumstances of the change, including the surprising news that a mystery man had "independently" discovered the Harry/Gill union, only a few hours after I'd published notice of a problem with Harry at Climate Audit and many Climate Audit readers had volunteered information on the problem.

Anything's possible.
Snow Britain: grit could run out as snow and ice continues - Telegraph
West Lancashire MP Rosie Cooper accused councils of cutting the number of roads they grit, while David Frost, director-general of the British Chambers of Commerce, said the snow and subsequent disruption had cost British business "a lot of money".

He said: "I wonder whether we have become a bit too complacent or we are being a bit too bowled over by the constant talk of global warming and the fact that temperatures are always going to rise and therefore when something like this does happen, we are caught very much on the hop.
Coal Hard Facts — MasterResource
Simply put, it is apparent that for countries like Poland and the Czech Republic, coal is going to retain its majority stake in primary energy production for a long time to come. A few weeks ago, during Ukraine’s long spat with Russia over natural gas prices and supplies, a friend of mine, Konrad Sadurski, a journalist who works for Gazeta Wyborcza, a Warsaw newspaper,[4] emailed me. “Thank God you don’t have cold, cold winters,” he wrote, “and you don’t depend on Russian gas.”

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