Saturday, February 28, 2009

GORE LIED: Letter to the Editor: Fluffy 2-ply TP eco-guilt may also wipe out NY Times newsPAPER's business
Cafe Hayek blogger Donald J. Boudreaux tells the New York Times to be careful what they wish for...
Mumbai: Record cold
India's largest city experienced a record low temperature nearly two weeks ago, part of a stretch of cold weather that has gripped the city much of this month [Via Global Freeze]
GORE LIED: Jonah Goldberg: "...Gore is, without question, the most successful fearmonger in America, if not the whole world"
In 2008, when Gore endorsed Barack Obama in part because the Illinois senator represented a break with the "politics of fear."

What's hilarious about this is that Gore is, without question, the most successful fearmonger in America, if not the whole world. He is constantly spinning climate change in the most horrifying terms possible. He asserts global warming as the author of nearly every calamity, inflating threats in order to bully people into agreeing with him. There's no time to argue, do what I say or we're all doomed, is the central message of Al Gore's environmental shtick. And it works for him. It's made him both hugely wealthy and popular in the circles he cares about and it has advanced his agenda further than fair-minded persuasion would.

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