Saturday, February 28, 2009

UK: Latest spring bloom at Kew in decades - Telegraph
...this year crocuses, which have been coming up on average on February 4 throughout the 2000s, and February 15 for the 1980s, arrived on February 18.

Snowdrops, which have been coming up this century in January did not come up until a day before the 1980s average on February 9.

Daffodils that were pushed back to January 27 in the 2000s were back to February 9 this year, and aconites were also late.

However Miss Bell said flowering patterns were still earlier compared to the cooler weather experienced before the 1980s.
Record-cold temperatures throughout Saskatchewan
The cold snap set records across the province. In Meadow Lake, a new benchmark of -43.8 C was established for Feb. 26, beating the previous record of -40 C set in 1996. Nipawin (-37 C) and Wynyard (-34.6 C) also set records Thursday. On Friday morning Broadview (-41.9 C), Assiniboia (-30.9 C) and Wynyard (-34.8 C) set new standards.

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