Monday, February 16, 2009

Kyoto and Sons of Kyoto: A Few Months Then The Truth « The Unbearable Nakedness of CLIMATE CHANGE
[Col. Guido Guidi, well-known Italian TV metereologist] With minuscule if any expected practical effects, and a prohibitively expensive price tag, no wonder the Kyoto Protocol has elicited little enthusiasm left, right and centre of the climate debate. And at times, it has even looked simply too easy to hijack for many interests that have little to do with climate and/or the environment. For example, the whole European emission trading market scheme has been rather more successful as yet another chance for financial speculation, than as a beaconing example for sustainable development policies.
May '07: At the peak of CO2 hysteria, Portland teens make a musical global warming plea
George et al. might be cool with a warmer planet, but Katie and Una aren't having it. In a musical plea tolerable because it comes from the mouths of babes (the young-in kind, not the hottie variety, though they are cute little gals), a Northwest band called Blübird urges U.S. leaders to address climate change.

In "What If We Don't Want to Be Warm?", the teenage Blübirds sing:
Please don't melt our glaciers, please don't kill us all. Please don't destroy our atmosphere, the sun will kill us all.
CHORUS: Global warming it's not just a prediction anymore. It's not just a prediction anymore -- it's true. Help!

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