Monday, February 16, 2009

Nuclear lies are keeping you afraid - Times Online
To survive on these islands with a future population perhaps as large as 100m requires a constant and reliable source of electricity from indigenous fuel. It would be madness to attempt it without nuclear energy. It is sad that so many of the green movement and their intellectual followers still oppose nuclear on grounds as insubstantial as a fear of hellfire and Satan.

© James Lovelock 2009
Still rockin' the Bakken - article treats oil as just another energy source; not a word about the global warming scam
Northern's cost of drilling comes to $10 a barrel, while the average cost of drilling overseas ranges from $55 to $60 a barrel, said Gilbertson.

"We happen to be in one of the few plays in the world where $40-a-barrel oil works," said Gilbertson.
Again, since only the most gullible have bought into the global warming/climate change scam, let's try some rebranding?
The term 'climate change' is not instilling the sense of urgency required to galvinise action on emissions while 'global warming' is confusing the British public as the country emerges from one of the coldest winters in decades.

This problem of definitions is causing concern for the UK's Chartered Institute of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM), one of the biggest trade bodies active in the sector.

According to CIWEM, the public is struggling with the terminology being used by the media and Government and while all the evidence points towards long-term changes to the global climate, it only takes six inches of February snow to convince many that 'global warming' is a myth.

The emotive 'climate churn' or even 'climate convulsion' would better describe the state of the planet, says the organisation.

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