Sunday, February 01, 2009

Yellow Rain & Black Water
Global warming is one of the most debated and hotly contested topics of our day; however, there are far more pressing issues than global warming. Who is the advocate for clean water? In the last sixty years the world population has doubled; however, the use of water has tripled. Why is it that no one is trumpeting the cause of people around the globe who are drinking “killer water” and breathing “killing air”?
Now's allegedly the time to buy into the global warming scam | Detroit Free Press
Skeptics converge on global warming data like ants at a picnic, but their reasoning often skips from one random sound bite to the next in their attempt to discount the experts.
The impetus to take action also builds from the ground up as more and more people begin to witness the effects of warming -- from earlier cherry blossoms to less frequent ice on lakes big and small.
In the face of all these state-by-state and state-against-state squabbles, a national solution has become essential. Those who don't believe in global warming can comfort themselves with the realization that the steps required will also reduce America's dependence on foreign oil and make the air cleaner.
Washington needs a reality check
[Duane Martin] Something really smells bad in Washington. The EPA's pollution tax on cows and other livestock is government gone medieval. There are fewer farms and livestock today in America and in the world than at any other time. There is so much we don't know about our climate and the Earth.

From year 800 to 1300, there was a warming across Europe and the Northern Hemisphere; could cows have caused that? Research has indicated that during this time there was an increase in solar activity and a decrease in volcanic activity. From 1300 to 1940, the opposite happened, causing cooling of the Earth, leading to crop failures, famines, diseases and even the fall of governments. The Vikings gave up their Greenland settlements, glaciers grew in the Alps, swallowing farms, villages and monasteries. [Via CO2 Sceptics]

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