Monday, March 09, 2009

Alarmist Bill Chameides: Pronouncement of Global Warming’s Demise Allegedly On Thin Ice | Popular Science
It’s easy to see why one might conclude that temperatures have been going down over the past 10 years.
Wind Watch: Ill winds: HSBC expects wind power market to decline in 2009
If clean energy is the big winner in the U.S. government’s stimulus package, why is the outlook for wind power so bleak?

Despite lots of government goodies for renewable energy, HSBC sees stormy weather for the wind sector, the biggest and most mature part of the clean-energy universe. The investment bank, in a report released Friday, changed its outlook for the global wind market in 2009 from flat growth to a 20% decline in installations, and downgraded all the big wind-power stocks.
Czar Bazaar: Van Jones to Run Green Jobs? - Environmental Capital
Kate Shepard at Grist points out that green jobs evangelist and best-selling author Van Jones might be tapped as the “green jobs” czar. She picks up on a weekend post at Greendig citing “texts from two people close to Van Jones” reporting that he was confirmed in the position Friday.

According to Greendig, the latest czar position would control the green-jobs related cash in the stimulus bill.
ECO:nomics - Greg Pollowitz - Planet Gore on National Review Online
[Google CEO Eric Schmidt] Now, one answer to that is that you have a carbon tax or a cap-and-trade system. I am skeptical as to whether those are going to happen simply because they have the wrong words in them — taxes and prices and so forth.

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