Sunday, March 01, 2009

Alarmist Dessler: Allegedly why you should believe the IPCC, part 134,992,653
Only statements that everyone agrees to make it into the report.
NSIDC’s Walt Meier responds on the sensor issue « Watts Up With That? climate change became an important topic, it was clear that Arctic sea ice was a leading indicator of the observed changes.
Alarmists Walt Meier and Ted Scambos endorse Gore's fraud
TED: I think An Inconvenient Truth does an excellent job of outlining the science behind global warming and the challenges society faces in the coming century because of it.

WALT: I agree. I think Gore has the basic message right. But we thought we could clarify a few things about the information concerning snow, ice, and the poles.
WALT:, a non-profit, non-governmental site run by scientists, has a good entry on the movie. See

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